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Burgess Office

Luper Companies consists of T. C. Luper & Company, Inc. and Luper Auction Galleries have been serving Virginia for over 37 Years in the Auction and Sales of Fine and Decorative Arts. Luper has broken 4 Auction World Records on Paintings and set numerous State and US records on other Fine and Decorative Arts.


Luper Companies also specialties is Real Estate Auction and Brokerage Listings.


PHOTO LEFT: Our New Northern Neck Office

Thomas C. Luper, Jr. President & CEO

Thomas C. Luper, Jr. President & CEO

Tom has been in the auction business exclusively for over 37 years and a real estate Broker for over 46 years. He was raised by a father in Real Estate, Building and Development and a mother, also a Realtor that was an established Antique Dealer that also handled Estate Auctions. He has traveled over seven countries appraising and working with national and international experts, agencies and governments.


Tom's expertise is over vast areas of Fine and Decorative Arts, Period Antiques, Business & Construction Equipment and Real Estate. Tom opened "Shields Auction Galleries, Inc" in Richmond, Virginia in August, 1982 later buying out his partner and changing the name to "Luper Auction Galleries, Inc."

Luper Auction Galleries, Inc. remains a leader in the auction field in technology and top producing auctions. Luper has broken four "Worlds Auction Records" for prices realized for Paintings.

Auction License: Virginia Real Estate Broker License: North Carolina and Virginia

Court Expert Appraiser: Federal and State Courts in North Carolina, Virginia and District of Columbia

world auction record
Tom luper


T.C. Luper & Co., Inc. Realtors & Luper Auctions

Northern Neck Office:
15104 Northumberland Hwy.

P.O.Box 115,  Burgess, VA 22432

Luper Companies

Spotsylvania Address:
5902 Jefferson Davis Hwy.

Woodford, VA 22580

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VAAR: 2908000897  |  VA. Rel. Lic: 02254042113  |  NC Broker# 35279

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